Thursday, April 13, 2006

Joe Patterson: Consider the Sparrows

This Missions Practicum went very well in terms of the specific ministry accomplished. I was able to be a witness to those in my local church about the character and hardworking nature of Pastor Richard Kla Wesley. As well, I completed all of the expectations of the church and my parents by writing about my experiences, taking notes about those around me, and regularly sending many digital photographs.

These writings and pictures were shared on the Internet and through the local church as well. These small acts of obedience resulted in continued interest in Pastor Wesley, much emotional support for me, and additional donors to the various ministries of the Greater Love Bible Baptist Church.

The signposts that Pastor Wesley and I planted are in good locations where they will be able to be viewed and be constant and long term encouragers to those who walk those paths, reminding them that there is a church nearby that wants to share with them.

The highlights of my experience were those moments when I was able to forget about myself and just assist Pastor Wesley in practical ways such as typing his radio programs, emails or helping with other communications issues. I was delighted when I was able to see the joy on the children’s faces as they repeated the 20-plus Bible verses that they had learned at the Greater Love Children’s Home. Sometimes playing with the Wesley children was quite enjoyable. I learned a new tic-tac-toe game that I can share with others and I had a couple good laughs at some of the riddles that they taught me.

The value of this experience is not fully realized yet. Many people tell me about how wonderful it was that I was there to help Pastor Wesley--how it took boldness and was a clear sign of commitment. What is still missing from this experience is the lasting peace that I have been longing for. I am being moved to accept the frustration of a God who loves me enough to do what is best rather than whatever I expect at the moment. God promises peace and joy for those who follow Him, but there is always the freedom to doubt Him and this removes us from the joy and peace. There is not a tangible, one time experience to inoculate one against disappointment and the desire for a better life.

So, as much as my hopes were not realized, I have found peace during times of trusting God. I have one more set of trials that He has brought me through. I have more people who I can look to and “consider the sparrows”.

This trip has impacted my life because now I will always be accountable to yet another encounter with God. I will always have a greater question of my own motives. As I become a man and make the decisions that will set my course in life, I will be confronted with the need to consider others. I have had personal requests made of me and have seen other unspoken needs for myself. The older I get, the more responsible I should become to ask God how I can be a good steward of His provisions.

As an individual who is becoming more independent, I have been tempted to just retreat and look after my own interests. The Devil and self will try to convince me that Liberians are needy because of their own actions, or that they are someone else’s responsibility. If they trust God to help them, then why are they asking me?

The liar whispers:

“Just look after yourself. Eating sweet foods and ignoring the needy will make you feel better.”


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